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Re-Do ~ The Kipping Pull Up

As we tend to our torn hands and look back at the week that was at Anchor we realize we’ve done about 75,000 pull ups this week.  A lot of athletes are working on perfecting the pull up so we wanted to offer some additional support.  We posted the kipping pull up tutuorial about a week ago but want to revisit the importance of the movement.  Like peanut butter to jelly, like ham to hamburger… the kipping pull up is to CrossFit 🙂

From the CrossFit Journal on Kipping pull ups, “Kipping comes in a myriad of styles, and each athlete has a signature kip, but in its most elegant form the kip is a transference of movement first generated in the horizontal plane, where it comes cheap and easy, to the vertical plane, where momentum and a perfectly timed pull from the back launch the athlete forcefully upward.

CrossFit games competitor Jason Khalipa explains the kipping pull up.

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Feel free to read the entire CrossFit Journal article here


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