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MMM… Pancakes!

The main ingredient in this recipe is bananas.  Bananas are very high in natural sugar… so yes, this meal is Paleo but eat sparingly.  These are YUMMY and taste pretty close to the unnatural poison pancake.

Paleo Pancakes

1 serving (double for 2 servings, triple for 3 etc…)

1 banana

1 large egg

1 tsp almond butter

2 tsp coconut oil

1.  In a small bowl, mash banana with a fork until it turns into a paste

2.  Beat egg and add to mashed banana

3.  Add almond butter and mix well

4.  Lightly coat frying pan with oil and pour the banana mixture onto the pan

5.  Cook until lightly browned on each side (about 2-3 mins per side)

6.  Sprinkle with cinnamon or a small amount of natural agave nectar


Serve with some scrambled eggs and you’re in Paleo breakfast heaven!!




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