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Mobility WOD… a great resource

“This blog is intended as a jump off point for athletes to systematically begin to address their nasty tissues and grody joint mobility. Use at your own risk and stop if you think it’s gonna hurt you, your spine is going to come out your throat, or your face goes numb. But, understand that you should be responsible for your own business. Don’t wait until you need a new knee. Pony up!”

Mobility is something we can all improve on.  Mobility is key in optimizing the movements we perform at the gym, preventing injury, rehabilitating injury, resolving pain and being an aid to over all experience with each movement and WOD.

As said by CrossFit Mobility trainer Kelly Starrett, “Performance is what drives the human animal, but the human animal can be brought to an abrupt halt by dysfunctional movement patters and underlying restrictions in mobility.”

Browse through this great website and feel free to use!



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