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October 12th – Anchors Away

Skill Pull up/muscle up progressions: Utilize progression whiteboard and coach’s recommendations to determine which accessory and practice movements will benefit you the most.

WOD – Partner For Time

Row 800m (switch every 200m)

Row 1200m (switch every 300m)

Row 1600m (switch every 400m) Total 3600m partners/1800m solo

***25 partner wall balls (20/14) OR 200m run (both run) before beginning next round of rowing.

May choose wall balls one time and run another, it is up to you. Restart rower each round.

***If odd person goes alone, coach will set up rower for intervals between rounds, you rest as long as previous interval takes before beginning again. Rowing total meters will be halved yet interval distances will remain the same as with partners. You also must run 200m between rounds (no wall ball option)

(Time Cap 22 Min)


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