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August 5th – Feel Craig’s Pain

WOD 4 Rounds with a partner:
400-meter run (both run)
24 squats (P1 goes, then P2 goes once P1 is complete)
12 burpee box jump-overs (P1 goes, then P2 goes once P1 is complete)
30 double-unders (P1 goes, then P2 goes once P1 is complete)
15 snatch (you choose barbell, dumbell or kettle bell) (P1 goes, then P2 goes once P1 is complete)

Workout format is I go, then you go. After both partners complete the run, 1 partner will complete 24 air squats, then partner 2 completes 24 air squats (partner 1 must wait to move on until partner 2 completes previous movements); then partner 1 completes 12 burpee box jump overs, followed by partner 2, and so on.

This workout is a combination of 2 of the workouts Craig will be competing in on Saturday at the CrossFit Games!


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