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September 5th- Squatty Trained

Strength Back Squat 1RM: Work up to a one rep max. If you are uncomfortable trying for a 1RM, go for a max double or triple and we will use the conversion formula to estimate your current 1RM. Have a spotter or two in position before attempting your max.

WOD – For Time

RX=5-10-15 reps/RX+= 5-10-15-20 reps

Front Squats (135/95)

TTB (Mod-hanging knee raises or med ball sit ups)

Back squats (same)

Russian Twists (16/12k L + R = 1)

***Go thru 5 reps of each exercise before starting 10 of each and then go to 15’s. All squat sets start from floor***

(Time Cap 15 Min)


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