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WOD…Feb 9th..Partner!

Partner WOD

Team of 2 or 3

18 min AMMAP + AMRAP

One person rows while the other does the following:


Overhead Plate Lunge – 45/35#

Mountain Climber

One person on a station at a time for total reps.

For example – team of 2 would have 1 on the rower the other on K2E, when the rower fatigues they switch with the person coming

of the rower moving on to OHPL.  On the next switch the person off the rower goes to mountain climber.  This will be the same for the team of

3 except you will have 1 on the rower and the other two on K2E and OHPL.  Once they switch one will go to OHPL and the other to mountain 


Score = total meters + total accumulative reps for all exercises (keep a continuous count or write it down each switch) 


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