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WOD…Jan 25th…Partner!

Partner WOD

For Time:

10 x 10– Partner sandbag lunge and clean to a 32” box

2000m row (both on a rower to accumulate 2000m)

50 – WB 2’fer – 1 person tosses it up to the target the other person catches and tosses – this = 1

400 meter run

Sand bag lunge and clean = you will have 1 sand bag and 2 boxes on either side of the gym.  You must both lunge side by side while holding the sandbag.  When you arrive at the boxes you will clean the bag from the ground and it will come to a rest on top of the box before bringing it back to the ground.  Do this 10 times before lunging back to the other box (total of 10 trips and 100 reps).


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