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WOD….July 25th…BS…RUN!

No CrossFit Juniors

General W/U

Skill Work

Strict pull-up eccentric focus….In teams of two, one person will do a strict pull-up (with partner assistance if required).   At the top of the pull-up make sure your shoulders are retracted and elbows away (scapula engaged) maintain this position with knees up while your partner applies manual resistance (pulling you down) until you reach full extension.  If you have trouble with pull-ups, your partner will help you into the position and you will let gravity bring you down as you resist.  At full extension return with 1 full range of motion strict pull-up or box jumping pull-up.  Each person complete 1 overhand, 1 underhand, and 2 with alternate grip (left palm facing and right palm facing), before switching.  Go through this sequence 2 x each.




12 – BS – 185/125#

400 meter run

All squat racks in near the pull-up rig so everyone begins the run from the same point.



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